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Herb Plants

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the purpose of a holistic health coach?

As a holistic health coach, my purpose is to guide individuals towards achieving optimal health and well-being. By taking a comprehensive holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, I help my clients create personalized wellness plans that align with their unique goals and values. Through support, education, and accountability, I empower individuals to make sustainable changes and cultivate a balanced, healthy lifestyle that enhances their overall quality of life.

What are the benefits of hiring a coach?

  • There are so many benefits of hiring a coach! And the unique thing about coaching is that everyone has a different journey and gets different results. It is not a one-size fits all- at least not my program. I pride myself on curating my program to each specific client, but the most common things I see in my clients after working with me is more confidence, fulfillment, happiness, presence, and money. Another great benefit is that you will gain tools, techniques, mindsets, and changed behaviors and habits that you can use for the rest of your life in all areas of your life. So not only are you investing in your life for the next few months, you are investing in your entire future!

How do we communicate throughout our 1:1 coaching program?

  • Remote 1:1 Coaching is available and facilitated via zoom, email, voice messaging and text.   


  • In Person 1:1 Coaching is available in Orlando, Florida.​

What do I need to do to get the most out of coaching?

  • SHOW UP. There is no other way to put this than to show up. What you put into this program is what you will get out of it. This process is not easy, but it is some of the most rewarding and transformative work you will ever do in your life. Clients who are the most successful are the ones who have an open mind, trust the process even when days are really hard, accept that every day and week looks different, and do their weekly homework assignments consistently. Successful clients also come to sessions undistracted and create intentional time outside of sessions to reflect on and implement all the things they learn during their coaching journey. Consistency creates results. The more consistent you are, the better your results will be.

What is included in my coaching program?

  • Each coaching service offers a variety of valuable resources. Each service offers a specific description of what is provided.


  • 1:1 Coaching Includes:

  • Coaching calls

  • Customized action steps

  • Meal plans

  • Recipes

  • Grocery guides

  • Habit trackers

  • Weekly/Bi-weekly accountability check-ins to help you stay on track and motivated.

  • I STRONGLY encourage you to communicate when you feel you need support or guidance throughout the week. The more you are open and let me know what's going on, the better I can coach you. If at any time you have a question or concern, message and ask!

Do you offer payment plans for 1:1 coaching?

  • YES! I offer multiple programs with many different types of payment options. I totally understand that everyone is in a different financial situation so I truly try to make my programs accessible and affordable to everyone.

Are coaching services refundable?

  • Unfortunately coaching services are non-refundable, including the mandatory minimum commitment of three months, which is also non-refundable. The purpose of scheduling a discovery call before purchasing a 1:1 coaching plan is to ensure your readiness and dedication to the process.


  • All individual coaching services including private yoga sessions, vision board + goal setting workshops, kitchen organization, etc. are non-refundable after purchase.  


  • All services must be rescheduled within 72 hours of original requested service date.

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